Demand in the warehouse sector grew by 8% in 2022, says Report
The post-pandemic boom in online sales and a change in consumers’ purchasing habits have been the key drivers of this sector’s transition in India. A number of technolo
Interview with Lalit Singh, Founder CEO of Meraqui
What does the word Meraqui mean? What language does it come from? Meraqui is derived from the Greek word μεράκι which means “the joy of working”. We specialize in
Why a human-centric supply chain management is key to an effective business?
It has been no exception that automation has been revolutionising the way businesses operate, and supply chain management (SCM). In recent years, the integration of automation tech
How 5G will revolutionize Supply Chain Management?
How 5G will revolutionize SCM? Did you know that the entire process of production starting from the procurement of raw materials to accomplishing the process by sending the finishe